My Bed Will Never Be This Cool And That Makes Me Sad

Sagan says: We are wanderers and storytellers.
Let me tell you a story.

2 years ago (sometime in June), I stayed in this cabin bed in Thailand where you can request which film/tv series you’d like to watch. I can’t think of any, then the receptionist arbitrarily suggested “Game of Thrones”.  I was like, “hmmm, okay why not. I have not seen it back then because whenever I tried to watch the first episode, I fell asleep. Well, this time, I did fall asleep too. Haha But hey, I’m now a fan of that series 🙂

Since we had to be early to the places we planned to visit tomorrow, I didn’t get enough sleep from the previous hotels we’d been to. So I can say this was my best and comfortable sleep during the tour. 🙂 I love it. Actually, that unusual sleeping arrangement was the first reason why we opted to stay in that hostel and I highly recommend it. 🙂 They also have this cute, snob cat that’ll greet you at the door. ^_^


@ BORDER HOTEL, Aranyaprateth

After getting tired from walking and exploring temples in Cambodia, we stayed at this beautiful hotel. The reservations were all settled by our friends Maine and Dixi.  It is located 140 km from Angkor Wat.


The Grand Palace is a complex of buildings at the heart of Bangkok, Thailand. The palace has been the official residence of the Kings of Siam since 1782.


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