My Bed Will Never Be This Cool And That Makes Me Sad

Sagan says: We are wanderers and storytellers.
Let me tell you a story.

2 years ago (sometime in June), I stayed in this cabin bed in Thailand where you can request which film/tv series you’d like to watch. I can’t think of any, then the receptionist arbitrarily suggested “Game of Thrones”.  I was like, “hmmm, okay why not. I have not seen it back then because whenever I tried to watch the first episode, I fell asleep. Well, this time, I did fall asleep too. Haha But hey, I’m now a fan of that series 🙂

Since we had to be early to the places we planned to visit tomorrow, I didn’t get enough sleep from the previous hotels we’d been to. So I can say this was my best and comfortable sleep during the tour. 🙂 I love it. Actually, that unusual sleeping arrangement was the first reason why we opted to stay in that hostel and I highly recommend it. 🙂 They also have this cute, snob cat that’ll greet you at the door. ^_^